Sunday, March 18, 2012

Select Games from the World Amateur Team East

Black to play and win.
White to play and win.
White to play and win.
I have annotated 30 games from the World Amateur Team East (or download PGN) that interested me, including several games of "the Dean of Chess" Arthur Bisguier, who is still playing some fascinating games at age 82!  Meanwhile, the tournament crosstable has been posted as has the World Amateur Team database from NJSCF (thanks to Bill Townsend) -- also available from TWIC as part of database #905 (zipped pgn); for those interested, you can also find the final prize list (Word).  As documented by the New York Times and Washington Times, there were a record number of teams and players at the teams this year.  I have not yet seen information about the playoffs among the winners of the East, North, South and West events but will update here when I hear anything (and welcome comments from readers in the know).


Phil Adams said...

Dear Michael

Please will you repair the pgn link at

Best wishes,

Phil Adams

Michael Goeller said...

Thanks for the comment. I will fix it soon. Meanwhile, the "PGN" icon is properly linked -- and the PGN's address is:

This problem occurs on our site because our server does not recognize the ".pgn" extension. The text link, unfortunately, is generated automatically when I create the java replay and the link is correct, but because the server does not recognize ".pgn" it will not serve that file. So I need to take a few additional steps each time I post a java replay, posting the .pgn on my personal website (which does recognize .pgn) and changing the links to the .pgn from those automatically generated. Seems I fixed the link on the PGN icon but not on the text. I will get to it.