A frequently updated blog for the Kenilworth Chess Club
I was curious if you would review this one and what you would have to say about the Lewis gambit. I leafed through this book recently in the store and after looking at the Lewis material I headed right to your BO/Urusov site to see whether you'd covered it.When you originally wrote those pages you seemed to have a rather negative view of 3 d4?!... have you changed your opinion?
I'm going to answer this under the previous post.
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I was curious if you would review this one and what you would have to say about the Lewis gambit. I leafed through this book recently in the store and after looking at the Lewis material I headed right to your BO/Urusov site to see whether you'd covered it.
When you originally wrote those pages you seemed to have a rather negative view of 3 d4?!... have you changed your opinion?
I'm going to answer this under the previous post.
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