Saturday, December 31, 2005

Classical KID with ...Na6


White to play after 52...Bh2.
What's the winning idea?

When I visited FM Steve Stoyko the other day, we went over two of his games against GMs in the Classical King's Indian Defense with ...Na6, a line that suddenly interests me from both sides of the board as I begin to develop a d4 repertoire. Steve wanted to show me some of the ways White can build up his attack by capitalizing on his space advantage--which allows him to switch back and forth between queenside and kingside attacks. He also recommended that I look at the games of Sammy Reshevsky against the KID since he was one of the best for showing White's ideas. Steve's game against Sokolin is not only interesting for its opening play but also for the ending, which is practically a little puzzle (which he was unable to solve in time pressure and so had to settle for a draw against the GM).

I have always found the Black side of the Classical King's Indian rather easy to understand for Black. After all, the idea is to just go after White's King, as amateur player Jeff Otto nicely describes in "A Patzer's Progress," his story of learning to play the King's Indian Defense. Playing the White side requires a little more maturity, and it has taken me a few decades to acquire that. Some web articles that I have found helpful for thinking about the White side of the KID include the following:

King's Indian Defense: An Eternal Balance by Guillermo Rey

KID Fireworks, Part 1 by Andrew Martin

Feldman-Yuan, Australia 1999 annotated by John-Paul Wallace

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