Paulsen - Morphy after 23.f3.
Morphy blows it here....

Kennicot-Raphael after 13.d5??

Fiske-Marache after 11...Ra8??

Stanley - Lichtenhien after 29...Rxc3??

Morphy - Paulsen after 6...Qxb2?

A frequently updated blog for the Kenilworth Chess Club
Paulsen - Morphy after 23.f3.
Morphy blows it here....
Kennicot-Raphael after 13.d5??
Fiske-Marache after 11...Ra8??
Stanley - Lichtenhien after 29...Rxc3??
Morphy - Paulsen after 6...Qxb2?
[Event "KCC Summer Tourney"]
[Site "Kenilworth, NJ USA"]
[Date "2005.08.25"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Demetrick, Joe"]
[Black "Goeller, Michael"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B00"]
[Annotator "Goeller,Michael"]
[PlyCount "62"]
[TimeControl "G60"]
1. e4 Nc6 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Nf6 4. Nc3 g6 { I have been looking at this transposition to a Pirc of late.} ({I usually play } 4... Bg4) 5. h3 Bg7 6. Bb5 a6 7. Bd3 {If White was going to retreat, why not play 6.Bd3 in the first place? Now Black's ...a6 gives him a useful tempo and chances for immediate counterplay.} ({ During the game I felt that White simply had to take at c6, when play might go } 7. Bxc6+ bxc6 8. O-O O-O 9. Re1 Rb8 10. e5 Nd7 $1 {followed by ...c5 =}) 7... O-O ({Emboldened by White's retreat, Black should probably attack in the center immediately by} 7... Nd7 $1 8. Be3 e5 9. d5 (9. dxe5 Ndxe5 $11) 9... Nd4 $1 10. Bxd4 $6 exd4 11. Ne2 c5 12. dxc6 bxc6 13. Nfxd4 c5 14. Nf3 Bxb2 $15) ({ or} 7... Nb4 $5 8. Be2 d5 9. e5 Ne4 10. O-O (10. Nxe4 $2 dxe4 11. Ng5 Qxd4 $1 $17) 10... f6 (10... c5 $5 11. dxc5 Nxc3 12. bxc3 Nc6 13. Bf4 Qa5 $5 14. Qxd5 Be6 $44) 11. a3 Nc6 $13) 8. Be3 e5 9. d5 ({I didn't much like the prospect of} 9. dxe5 dxe5 10. Bc5 Re8 11. Bc4 $11) 9... Ne7 10. Nb1 $2 {Joe said after the game that his idea was to follow with c4 to strengthen his center. But Black has immediate tactical shots after this retreat.} (10. O-O c6 $5 (10... Ne8 11. Re1 f5 $11)) 10... Nxe4 $1 ({The other idea is} 10... Nexd5 11. exd5 e4 {but this looks only about equal after} 12. Nc3 (12. Be2 exf3 13. Bxf3 Nd7 14. Nc3) 12... exd3 13. Qxd3 Bf5 14. Qd2 Re8 15. O-O-O { though Black is certainly doing very well.} (15. O-O c5 $1)) 11. Bxe4 f5 12. Bxf5 $6 (12. Nc3 fxe4 13. Nxe4 Nf5 $15 (13... Bf5 $15)) ({Relatively best was} 12. Bd3 e4 13. Nc3 exf3 (13... Bxc3+ $5) (13... exd3 $5) 14. Qxf3 b5 $36) 12... gxf5 {I liked having complete control of the center. But even stronger was to go after the two Bishops or the initiative by} (12... Nxf5 $1 13. Bg5 Qe8 14. Nc3 e4 $19) 13. Nc3 Qe8 {Black has almost too many good ideas here. I finally settled on the Queen move as a way of asking, "Where are you going to put your King?" I'm ready to attack in the center by f4 and e4-e3, the kingside by Qg6, or the queenside by b5-b4 and Qa4.} 14. Qe2 b5 {This gives Black complete control of the position and makes it very hard for White to hold the pawn at d5.} ({But Black should simply grab a pawn by} 14... e4 $1 15. Ng5 (15. Nd4 $2 f4 $19) 15... Bxc3+ 16. bxc3 Nxd5 $19) 15. a3 Bb7 (15... e4 $1 $19) 16. O-O-O ( 16. Rd1 $142) 16... f4 17. Bd2 Nxd5 18. Nxd5 Bxd5 19. Rhg1 $6 (19. Bxf4 $4 Bxf3 $19) 19... Bc4 ({The problem I find with such won positions is that I simply have too much choice. I had originally considered playing} 19... e4 20. Nh4 Bc4 21. Qe1 Qh5 $1 { with an atack, which Fritz shows to be winning quickly after} 22. g3 fxg3 23. fxg3 Be2 24. g4 Qe5 25. Bc3 Qf4+ 26. Bd2 e3 27. Qxe2 exd2+ 28. Qxd2 Qf6 $19) ({ I also looked at} 19... c6 {. I finally decided upon a queenside attack supported by d5-d4 and e5, but I did not anticipate Black's potential kingside counterplay.}) 20. Qe1 Qc6 21. Bc3 Rae8 22. Nh4 d5 23. g4 (23. b3 $6 d4 $40) 23... d4 ({I did not consider the best move} 23... fxg3 $1 24. fxg3 ({ I did not notice} 24. Rxg3 $4 Qh6+ $19) 24... d4 25. Bb4 Bh6+ 26. Kb1 Rf7) 24. Bb4 Rf7 25. Nf5 Be6 $2 {A potentially critical miscalculation.} (25... Bd5 $1 26. Nxg7 Rxg7 $17) 26. Nxg7 Rxg7 27. Qf1 $4 { Now Black's attack breaks through quickly.} ({White has the same misconception that the e-pawn is indirectly guarded. But White is actually a little better after} 27. Qxe5 $1 a5 $1 (27... Bb3 $2 28. Qc5 $1 $16) (27... Bxg4 $4 28. Qxd4 $18) 28. Bxa5 (28. Qc5 $14) 28... Bb3 29. Qf5 Re5 $1 30. Qd3 (30. Qc8+ Re8 31. Qf5 Re5 32. Qc8+ $11) 30... Bxc2 31. Qxc2 Rc5 32. Bc3 $14) 27... Qd5 28. b3 c5 29. Ba5 c4 30. Qg2 f3 31. bxc4 $2 bxc4 0-1
James Schuyler, The Dark Knight System: A Repertoire with 1...Nc6 (Everyman 2013) Reviewed here shortly after its publication, this book offers a very coherent and solid repertoire built around a Kevitz-inspired dark-square approach to the Nimzovich with an early e5 by Black. I also link to some of my own analysis of lines considered in the book.
Alexander Morozevich and Vladimir Barsky, The Chigorin Defence According to Morozevich (New in Chess 2007) Who better to tell us about the Chigorin than the GM responsible for its revival, and someone who generally preferred an approach that strove for an eventual ...e5 push to fight for the dark squares. Though the games are mostly those of Morozevich, the analysis offers up-to-date theory for the time. I would call this indispensable.
Christoph Wisnewski, Play 1....Nc6! A Complete Chess Opening Repertoire for Black (Everyman 2007) Though this book has a light-squared approach to the opening, with a focus on 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5 lines (including 3.Nc3 e6) and the Chigorin (via 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6), it is still an interesting book with some fascinating sidelines (including the surprising 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 Nf6!?) and very detailed coverage of early divergences by White, which you will not find as deeply treated elsewhere.
Gary Lane. Ideas Behind the Modern Chess Openings: Black (Batsford 2005)
This book has a very misleading title, since it is really a repertoire book focused on the Chigorin (1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6), the ...e5 English (1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6), and the Scandinavian (1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6). The coverage features well-annotated, recent GM games and is a great introduction to the Chigorin and anti-English lines with an early ...Nc6 for Black, generally looking for an eventual ...e5 push (including the interesting line against 3.Bf4 with 3...Bg4 4.e3 f6!? followed by e5).
Richard Palliser, Tango! A Dynamic Answer to 1.d4 (Everyman 2005)
An excellent book on the Two Knight's Tango (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6) that makes significant additions to Orlov and does a better job of presenting a repetoire that is not completely focused around building up a dark-square structure around ...d6 and ...e5 but occasionally heads toward ...e6 and ...d5 structures.
Valery Bronznik , The Chigorin Defence (Schachverlag Kania 2005) An excellently translated and significantly updated version of the same book in German, offering some of the most complete coverage of the Chigorin Defense available, with great consideration of many sidelines ignored by other analysts. Table of contents and excerpt.
Alex Raetsky and Maxim Chetverik, English ...e5 (Everyman 2003)
Offers good coverage of lines with an early 1.c4 e5 and 2...Nc6 for Black (which you could play via 1.c4 Nc6 and 2...e5, of course).
Chris Ward, Unusual Queens Gambit Declined (Everyman 2002)
Covers the Chigorin, the Albin, and Keres's ...Bf5 in response to 1.d4 d5 2.c4. The basic coverage of the Chigorin is solid and while none of the coverage is very much in depth it is quality stuff. Especially if you would like to experiment with the Albin (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5) as an occasional gambit alternative to the Chigorin (which you would still need to know to meet 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nc6 etc.) then this is a must-have book.
Igor Berdichevsky, Modern Practice 1....Nc6!? (Russian Chess House 2004)
An excellent repertoire book written in Informator notation and multiple languages. The basic repertoire is good, with several different variations and options. It focuses on 1.e4 and 1.d4 and after 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 it discusses both 2...d5 and 2...e5 lines. There is even coverage of the Scotch (1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 e5 3.Nf3 exd4 4.Nxd4 g6!?). The book includes 331 annotated games (plus more in the notes) and 50 training positions.
Tibor Fograss, "Morozevich's Favorite!" New in Chess Yearbook 66 (2003)
Covers the Chigorin Defense focusing on Morozevich's recent games.
Valeri Bronznik, Die Tschigorin-Verteidigung 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Sc6 (Kania 2001)
This incredibly good analysis only recently (and briefly) became available in the US, so it seems much more recent than its 2001 copyright might suggest. I think this is pretty much the definitive work on the Chigorin, so it is a shame it is written in German and with a lot of textual commentaries that seem very worthwhile! Well, there is always Babelfish. See John Watson's excellent review for details. There are also excerpts online.
Jeroen Bosch, "Is the Chigorin Playable?" New in Chess Yearbook 58 (2001)
Georgi Orlov, The Black Knights' Tango (Basford 1998)
This book is suddenly more available in the U.S. and very much worth having before the latest edition runs out. Though Palliser's book above has absorbed much of its analysis, he often does not cover all of the lines that Orlov does and he occasionally diverges from Orlov's repertoire following 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6. See the review at Chess Cafe.
Reynaldo Vera, "The Incisive 3.Nc3 dxc4 4.d5" New in Chess Yearbook 42 (1997)
This line is why some players avoid 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6 and instead only play the Chigorin when White commits to 1.d4 Nc6! 2.Nf3 d5! 3.c4 Bg4 etc.
Raymond Keene and Byron Jacobs, A Complete Defense for Black (Batsford and International Chess Enterprises 1996)
This is one of my favorite opening books. It has a nice historical introduction and good coverage for a repertoire book. It suggests the Chigorin and 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 e5 lines. It also discusses 1....Nc6 against other openings. Though an older book, its coverage is surprisingly good. Should be available used and may be available somewhere, though I had trouble tracking down new copies online.
Leon Pliester, "Nimzovich Defense 1...Nc6" New in Chess Yearbook 40 (1996)
Adrian Mikhalchishin, "Chigorin Defense" New in Chess Yearbook 39 (1996)
Angus Dunington, The Chigorin Queen's Gambit (Batsford 1996) Fairly good coverage but overly optimistic in its assessments for Black, in my view--especially in its analysis of 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c4 e5!? which was a favorite method of Weaver Adams's to transpose to the Albin.
Georgy Orlov, "Declaration of Independence: Black Knight's Tango" New in Chess Yearbook 41 (1996)
Nikolai Vlasov, 1.e4 Nc6, and Black Wins! Originally published online at the now defunct Kasparov site. There is a good video at Chess.com by Charles Galofre that basically covers the article with some additional comments.
Hugh Myers, Nimzovich Defense to 1.e4 (Caissa 1995)
There are many original ideas and analyses in this book, but it is a rather confusing coverage and mostly focused on 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5. It's also tough to get all of a sudden and therefore expensive where available. I don't think you need it, especially if you buy the Myers CD.
Harald Keilhack and Rainer Schlenker, 1...Sc6 ...aus allen Lagen (Kania 1995)
I have not seen this and cannot comment. But it does seem to cover the more unusual lines, including the Colorado Gambit (1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 f5?!)
Paul Van der Steren, "Chigorin Defense" New in Chess Yearbook 34 (1994)
Leon Pliester, "Theory -- Mirror Image" New in Chess Yearbook 16 (1990)
Thomas Kapitaniak, Nimzovich Defence (The Chess Player 1981) A 71-page pamphlet in Informator- (or The-Chess-Player) style wordless text, covering all lines and many sidelines, offering some forgotten games.
John Watson, Queen's Gambit, Chigorin Defense (Batsford 1981)
An older book but surprisingly durable. Some of its assessments and analyses are still worth reading. Tends toward a white-square approach with ...e6, which is more positional but very solid.
Tim Harding, The Nimzowitsch Defense, 1.e4 Nc6 (Batsford 1981)
This one has not held up so well.... Many new ideas have appeared since. But good coverage of all lines.
Georg Deppe, Die Fischer-Nimzowitsch-Verteidigung (1979)
Offers nicely organized coverage with older games, mostly of Nimzowitsch himself. Focuses a lot of attention on 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 e6.
Hugh E. Myers, The Nimzovich Defense (CHESSCO 1973)
A small, 87 page pamphlet that was one of the first publications to suggest that 1.e4 Nc6 was playable.
Andrew Soltis, Queen's Gambit Declined: Tchigorin Defense (Chess Digest 1972)
This was one of the first American opening books on the Tchigorin alone and is still cited in other sources.
Walter Korn, "The Kevitz System," Chess Review, Part One August 1954, pp. 240-241, and Part Two September 1954, pp. 274-275. Korn attributes both the Black Knight's Tango and the Nimzovich with ...e5 to Kevitz and discusses a number of related lines.
There is also various periodical publications by Hugh Myers.
Simon Williams, The Tactical Chigorin (ChessBase DVD 2017)
Andrew Martin, Nimzowitsch Defence (ChessBase DVD)
CJ Chess Repertoire Against 1.e4 (see also some links below) A super collection of videos, by the maker of the Dirty Chess Tricks series. Really great stuff -- and he may even convince you to give the Colorado Gambit a try.
Alexander Kalinin and Igo Berdichesky, Modern Chess Openings 1...Nc6!? (Convekta 2005) From Convekta (the people who bring us Chess Assistant and CT-ART) and featuring the same basic analysis offered in the author's book version but with many additional games. This is a great package and I have only scratched the surface of what is there. I find it a valuable supplement to the book version above, and would recommend both if you can afford it.
FM Martin Breutigam, Chigorin Defense CD from ChessBase
ChessBase makes great CDs and the reviews suggest that this is no exception. I have not yet gotten around to picking this one up or I'd tell you more about it. The ad copy says: "In a small but good database with 100 entries - 7 texts and 93 sample games - the long time player in the German Bundesliga has compiled all his knowledge on the Chigorin Defence. Another database includes 54 training questions enabling the user to test his freshly acquired knowledge. Furthermore, the CD features a big database of more than 4,000 games as a reference database plus a big tree of all games."
Hugh Myers, The Nimzovich Defense Ultimate CD
A very nicely organized CD with lots of games and many annotated. I do not always trust Myers's analysis, but I do trust his research and he has done an impressive job of putting these materials together. The game collections also include speed games, which I think are sometimes useful for revealing the participants' opening preparation.
Sid Pickard, The Bozo-Indian e-book download from Chess Central
Though a poorly chosen name for those who remember Bozo the Clown (model for The Simpson's "Crusty"), this looks like a good game collection. I have not yet downloaded a copy. It covers 1.d4 Nc6 2.d5 Ne5 lines, which both Bogoljubov and Nimzovich tried (hence "Bozo" rather than "Bogo").
Andrew Martin, Nimzovich Defense Foxy Openings Video
Though there is something about Martin's accent that tends to put me to sleep, he presents well and is very likable on tape. The repertoire he offers focuses on lines with ...e5 for Black and he offers good suggestions and some original ideas
Repertoire Suggestions by IM Andrew Martin from ChessPublishing.com
Martin recommends a system built around 1...Nc6! with the Black pieces. Worth reading for the PGN files alone.
Nimzowitsch Defense (also archived at Nimzowitsch Defense) by Marek Soszynski
A good basic overview for club players of 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5 lines.
Recent Developments in a Critical Variation of the Nimzowitsch by Soren Jensen
Focuses on the sharp 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.d5 Ne5. Another version covering the same lines with additional analysis is posted at this Nimzowitsch site.
Black Knights Tango, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four by GM Joel Benjamin at Jeremy Silman's site. This is a very thorough coverage of the Tango (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6) using the author's own games.
About IM Georgi Orlov at ChessMate
A quick kill with the Black Knights Tango from the master himself is annotated here.
Wesley "Ted" Brandhorst by Ralph Marconi
Includes a nice Brandhorst kill with the Black Knights Tango (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6) and well annotated.
Die Tschigorin-Verteidigung by FM Christoph Wisnewski. An ambitious but ultimately abandoned effort. Only the section on 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bf4 is complete. If the rest of the site were finished and as good, this would be an amazing resource. As it is, it is only an amazing resource on one line--though a line that does not receive adequate coverage elsewhere. Fortunately, Wisnewski's book on 1...Nc6 was eventually published in English and contains his analysis.
Play the Chigorin by Leopold Lacrimosa
A nice analysis with java view board (no longer usable) of 3.Nc3 Nf6.
Opening Lanes #56 by Gary Lane
Discusses 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 d6 3.h3!?
Smerdon-Laird, Australia 1999 annotated by John-Paul Wallace
Scroll down (though all the games are great and well-annotated). Features 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 d6 transposing into a Pirc. See also Opening Lanes #10 by Gary Lane for a discussion of this line.
Opening Lanes #42 by Gary Lane
Discusses 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 f5?! which White should handle more positionally than tactically.
Borovikov-Mikhaletz, Ukraine Ch 2001 annotated by Boris Schipkov
Transposes to the line 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 Bg4 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.d5 Nb8!?
Anthony Miles at Chessgames.com
Tony Miles was one of the chief proponents of the Nimzovich lines with ...e5 and so his games are worth playing over and knowing.
Nimzowitsch Defense at Sudbury Chess - No longer available.
Rememberance of Chess Times Past by Tim Harding
Discusses a game of his that began 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nc3.
Opening Lanes #01 by Gary Lane
Discusses 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 d5!?
I recenty noticed that the excellent Chess Variants website appears to be down and likely gone for good. Fortunately it is preserved in the Web Archive. It was never a site I visited often, so I can see why it has likely passed away. But I liked knowing that someone somewhere was collecting variants for our reference.
I have found several chess variants to be fun games to play with my wife or with young relatives from time to time, especially when chess itself would not be a fair contest. My wife is a fairly good chess player for someone who has never read a single chess book, but I can usually spot her Knight and move. In chess variants, though, we are much more evenly matched.
A variant I developed, and which I've tried a few times, I like to call “Dracula Chess.” I had intended to send the idea in to the now defunct Chess Variants site or (in one little weekend fantasy when I first drafted the notes below) try my hand at making some money from it. Since I will likely never do either, I may as well present it here in my chess blog in hopes that someone will take it up and run with it (so long as they promise to send me a free set for my own use.)
“So be it that he has gone elsewhere. Good! It has given us opportunity to cry `check' in some ways in this chess game, which we play for the stake of human souls.”
--Van Helsing in Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Its Origins
After rereading Bram Stoker’s Dracula one summer not long ago, it occurred to me that it might be nice to have a Dracula-themed chess set. I searched around the web to see if someone had created one for me, but no such luck. Of course, Dracula would be the Black pieces (due to the traditional association of Black with Evil) and the main “good” characters of the novel would be the White pieces. It struck me that the main characters of the novel fit rather well into the pieces of a chessboard: for Black, Dracula would be the Queen, his coffin the King, the three evil sisters and Renfield the minor pieces; for White, Van Helsing the Queen, the four young men who assist him could be the minor pieces, and perhaps Mina the King (since it is upon her life or death that the novel hangs). Black pawns could be wolves while White pawns could be crosses. Only the character of Mina’s friend, Lucy, would be difficult to represent, since she moves from being human to vampire in the course of the novel. Perhaps she could be Black’s second Queen? In any event, the Black and White binary of the novel maps perfectly onto the grids of the traditional chessboard.
I started imagining how that would look, with both sides quite different from the standard Staunton pieces. Then it occurred to me that the idea could be taken even further if it became a chess variant where the two armies not only had a different appearance but also different powers. Was it possible to represent ideas from the novel in their moves? And how could both armies differ yet still be relatively equal in powers?
The key insight was recognizing that, within the world of the novel, the forces of good can only triumph by keeping things open, revealed, and mobile while the forces of evil seek repression and secrecy. To triumph against evil, you must act straightforwardly and create a society of social mobility. Vampires, meanwhile, thrive on static social hierarchies based on blood and they move through the world in deceitful and deceptive ways. It struck me that the moves of the Bishop and the Knight in chess, relatively equal yet very different, mimic in some ways this opposition. Bishops love open positions, Knights prefer it closed. Bishops move in straight lines, Knights move in tricky ways. Yet the two pieces are relatively equal in value (depending on the position). What would Dracula Chess be like, then, if most of the forces of evil controlled by Dracula had Knight-like movements while the forces for good had Bishop-like movements? It would make for an interesting and relatively equal but unbalanced game, with much to teach players of traditional chess about the relative value of those two pieces.
The Pieces
Here is how I imagine the pieces and their moves. Each is compared to its equivalent traditional chess piece and stands on the same square occupied by that piece on a traditional chessboard—though that is not essential, it occurs to me, and it is possible that the starting position could be altered to make the game more interesting (exactly how could only be suggested after more experience). The abbreviations (such as C for Coffin) are for recording games and are mere suggestions since they may need to be modified in practice if they prove too unwieldy.
Black Pieces (Vampires or Forces of Darkness)
White Pieces (Humans or Forces of Light)
Other Rules and Suggestions
Comments on the Moves
I think the advantage of the first move combined with Renfield’s additional power of moving one square diagonally (up to four more squares of mobility than a traditional Knight) would be sufficient to compensate for the latent power of White’s four Bishops. The difference of the Queens—one moving as Bishop and Rook the other as Knight and Rook—seems relatively insignificant, and some have claimed that pieces with these different powers are fully equivalent. But I would probably prefer to have the traditional Queen’s mobility, especially in the ending, so that also seems to justify Black having the first move and a piece with additional powers as compensation.
The four Bishops make a powerful force if well coordinated. I can imagine a triple-battery of two Bishops and the Queen along the long diagonal, for example. So Black does need to have some advantage to make up for that.
Renfield meanwhile would be more powerful in the ending and his powers make some endings more fair. For example, Black would be able to checkmate with Dracula, Renfield, and one evil sister against lone Mina, but in traditional chess two Knights and a King cannot normally checkmate a lone King (except in some positions where the weaker side has an additional pawn).
Suggested Marketing
Though I have found that the game can be played using pieces from two combined chess sets, with some marker on Renfield to distinguish him from a normal Knight, it would be nice to develop the Dracula-themed set as a mass-market item to make the game more enjoyable. I think it could be modestly successful, especially since the pieces could be used to play traditional chess as well. The story of Dracula also maps well onto the story of post-9/11 terrorism, especially given its West vs. East cultural backdrop, so I think it even has a chance to capture the zeitgeist.
There have been some other games with a Dracula theme. There has even been a chess set with Universal Studios monsters (i.e.: Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy) arrayed against each other in a rather unimaginative battle of the nightmares, sort of like what Tim Harding was trying to conjure when he named 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nxe4 4.Qh5 etc. the “Frankenstein Dracula Variation of the Vienna.” There was also once a game called “The Fury of Dracula” which was based on Stoker’s novel, but it has nothing to do with chess.
As an aside, one chess variant that conjures with these themes and which I’d especially like to try is Knightmare Chess, where cards that are dawn by both players (and which they can exercise at any turn) introduce additional powers to the pieces in traditional chess.
But the “Dracula Chess” I imagine is very different from these. Perhaps it should be called “Bram Stoker’s Dracula Chess,” though that combination of words might have been copyrighted by the producers of Francis Ford Coppola’s film version. Maybe they would like to pick up the idea an craft pieces after the characters as portrayed in their film?
The Bram Stoker’s Dracula set might be made in hard plastic and come with rules for both traditional and Dracula chess (with an expanded version of the rules I’ve sketched here, offering an interpretive explanation of the game), a copy of the novel (now out of copyright—the cover could depict all the main characters arrayed against each other), the pieces, and a folding black and red board. It would also be possible to have a computer version of the game.
My own limited experience with the game suggests that it is quite playable and perhaps even more complicated than Chess itself in some ways. The game also shares aspects with the perfectly playable variants “Chess with Different Armies,” “Almost Chess” and “Augmented Knights,” but it is not very similar to these games (as they were described on the defunct Chess Variants site).
If you give it a try, let me know what you think. And if you want to try it as a profit venture, let me know. I’m willing to sell any rights I may have at a very reasonable rate. I’d even help write the marketing copy.
Meanwhile, I suggest that if you like to read and play chess, and if you are artistically inclined, you consider inventing a themed chess set or chess variant (or both) to go with your own favorite novel. But to do so you must free your mind from the traditions of themed chess sets. You don't need to elevate an unimportant female character and make her the Queen (as I've often seen with Sherlock Holmes themed sets, where his cleaning lady becomes the most important piece). How about Moby Dick, for instance? The Whale and other sea creatures would be White, of course... Perhaps the whale's Head would be the Queen and his Tail the King... Captain Ahab would be the Black Queen. The ship is the Black King. Harpooners (including Queequeg) as the minor pieces. Ishmael just a lowly pawn... I'll let you imagine the rest....